I was born and raised in southwest Indiana, but now I live in Southern California, leaving the land of rain and snow for wildfires and earthquakes.

Over the years I’ve worked as an actress, college writing instructor, jail chaplain, library associate, a tour guide/page for Paramount Pictures, and a typesetter and faith columnist for a community newspaper.

I have a master’s degree in theater from Indiana State University. While in school my plays “Star Collector” and “Common Ground” were finalists in the American College Theater Festival One-Act Playwrighting Competition. “Common Ground” also earned a college creative writing award, and “Star Collector” was produced in New York City. The characters introduced in “Star Collector” became the basis of the Sandy Fairfax books.

I also have a Master of Divinity and a black belt in tae kwon do.

The Sandy Fairfax Teen Idol series is comprised of: The Baffled Beatlemaniac Caper (2012 Eureka! Award finalist for best first mystery novel), The Sinister Sitcom CaperThe Cunning Cruise Ship Caper, The Quirky Quiz Show Caper, The Notorious Noel Caper and The Highlight Havoc Caper.

Books in The Psychedelic Spy series are Flower Power Fatality and Hippie Haven Homicide. All books were published by Cozy Cat Press.

My short stories are in three anthologies: “Faster than a Speeding Bullet” in Plan B: Omnibus; “Dark Nights at the Deluxe Drive-in” in Last Exit to Murder, and “The Puzzling Puppet Show Caper” (a Sandy Fairfax mystery) in Cozy Cat Shorts. I penned chapter three of “Chasing the Codex,” a Cozy Cat Press group mystery.

In my spare time I obey my cat, read, and enjoy classic TV shows and movies. In my parish I serve as a lector (scripture reader). I’m a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.

Send me a friend request to https://www.facebook.com/sally.carpenter.54 or reach me at sallywriter05@gmail.com